The older i get it seems like life repeats itself, the same thing our parents did we do and our children are doing. It's a cycle maybe it's a good thing or maybe its a bad thing. But we as people need to learn when to speak and when to shut up. Men we need to watch what comes out our mouth, because its not what you say its how we say it. There are still people that are very sensitive mainly the women we deal with in our life.
What we say holds a lot of weight rather you no it or not, some women mite act like they are not listen but they are.
We all say stupid things but some things can't be taking back so to avoid all of that, think before you speak. It saves a lot of pain and grief. We have to stop hoping the word sorry will fix things, its OK we were program.
Make sure when you say something you mean it your word should be your bond. Example: If your boss told you next week you will be getting a$5 raise, next week came and nothing. Nothing at all you would be mad as hell at least i would be.
If a man don't open his mouth you would never no how dumb he is that's why listen is still the key. So guys choose your words carefully stop being so negative try positive sometimes and watch the difference. Let something go at a curtain age you should realize you are grown. This also goes back to educate yourself learn when to say what you want to say but how to say it. So Watch Your Mouth treat people better than what you have been doing.
That Ain't Yo! Baby
Men check this out that mite not be your baby, it mite be your friends baby, it mite be somebody you don't no baby.This is way i say that, the old saying is "mommas baby daddy's maybe". Now you can take that any way you like but the reality is you just don't no.
A women no 100% that the baby is hers but men don't no, a lot of guys say ( man i no that's my baby) but let's kept it real we don't. Now a lot of people don't think the testing that is done is accurate but that's all we have right now so get it done. We all watch t.v. have you ever heard this
(you are not the father) and the crowd goes wild. Well that's the truth it happens everyday.
This makes the man hate the woman even sometimes turns violent. A man would hate to find out when they is an emergency, like the child needing a transplant or just blood. A lot of people find this way. I think it's very dangerous for both party's but what can we as men do to assure we won't go though this type of pain. The answer is (nothing, nothing, nothing) yeah that's right i said it we have no control if a woman goes out and sleeps with somebody else. All we can do is hope for the best. Sometimes even the so called good ones cheat so don't get it twisted.
It trips me out to hear people say " I no what my man want do or i no what my woman want do" people stop that because you would sound very stupid if that person cheated on you and everybody else knew except you. The most you can do is hope and prey that person is as faithful as you are. Lol.
So don't put nothing pass no one we are all human. So to you lady's please start respecting yourself enough to no who your baby daddy is. Here's the tip of the day if you have slept with more than one man in 30 days (you don't no who yo baby daddy is). The morel of the story is men get tested make sure That is Yo! Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A women no 100% that the baby is hers but men don't no, a lot of guys say ( man i no that's my baby) but let's kept it real we don't. Now a lot of people don't think the testing that is done is accurate but that's all we have right now so get it done. We all watch t.v. have you ever heard this
(you are not the father) and the crowd goes wild. Well that's the truth it happens everyday.
This makes the man hate the woman even sometimes turns violent. A man would hate to find out when they is an emergency, like the child needing a transplant or just blood. A lot of people find this way. I think it's very dangerous for both party's but what can we as men do to assure we won't go though this type of pain. The answer is (nothing, nothing, nothing) yeah that's right i said it we have no control if a woman goes out and sleeps with somebody else. All we can do is hope for the best. Sometimes even the so called good ones cheat so don't get it twisted.
It trips me out to hear people say " I no what my man want do or i no what my woman want do" people stop that because you would sound very stupid if that person cheated on you and everybody else knew except you. The most you can do is hope and prey that person is as faithful as you are. Lol.
So don't put nothing pass no one we are all human. So to you lady's please start respecting yourself enough to no who your baby daddy is. Here's the tip of the day if you have slept with more than one man in 30 days (you don't no who yo baby daddy is). The morel of the story is men get tested make sure That is Yo! Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A (WO-MAN ) Raised a Man
All props to the WO-MAN, i no this is the Real Men site but i couldn't do this with out writing about the women who have to do our job. I was raised by a (Wo-man), a woman who had to be the momma and the daddy. I had a discussion a while back and the question was can a woman raise a man to be a man. Surprising the feed back i got from friends, some say a woman can't raise a man to be a man it takes a man to do that. Now that's B.S. because for so long women have been doing the job of a man so for men to feel that a woman can't do this is just being ignorant to the fact. Now what i feel, no what i believe from the bottom of my heart is that a woman can do the job and have been doing it. It depends on the woman if she has the wisdom and knowledge to raise a child the right way it can be done. Guys this makes us look bad and it has for decades. If it wasn't for my mom i probably be dead or in prison. The way we treat women reflects on how we were raised. Don't get me wrong you can be raised right and still treat women wrong. My dad passed when i was 11 yrs old so my mom had to do both jobs. Yeah i wish my dad lived to see me grow up, but i don't regret my mom doing it herself. So by saying that i give my mom thanks, thanks for making me the man i am today. Very respectful, loving, caring, and no how to take of responsibility. By her doing this i no what to impuit to my kids and in everyday life. So for the men who think a women can't raise a man you mite as well( kills yourself) it's a proven fact that they can. I'm a prime example of being raised by a woman. I wish there were an award for the woman that do this on the daily. Men we have to do our job it's not the child's fault they are here it's ours. Take care of your kids it's very important that we do this. Take the load off the woman she didn't make your child by herself. So tighten up men your kids need you it's not always about money, but the support helps a lot don't let nobody tell you any different. We were made first then the woman. This goes out to the women that are doing it themselves and the ones that has done it. A special thanks to my (MOMMA).
The Broke Man
Let's talk, many people are looking for love and good healthy relationship's. But a lot of people find that someone that they are feeling (liking). It starts off good with that person it seems to be the person you don't mine kicking it with or hanging out with,but ofter a few weeks of the good time reality sets in-he is broke not broke to the point that he is starving but to the point that he is check to check. Now not to say that is so bad but the reality is the average person don't want a broke mate (women or men).
Men get your finances together, think about it you wouldn't want a women that does not want nothing or don't have no drive. A lot of people settle in there careers or the job they are working. Men get some stocks and mutual funds get some life insurance, get some health insurance get your credit straight. That's the #1 thing now a days your credit, did you no you can get a free credit report 1 time a year for free.
You don't need to pay someone to do this for you, you can make the phone calls yourself. Just get the report and you will find the majority of things on your report are small and with a phone call you can negotiate your payments.
A lot of creditors rather get something than nothing. Take charge of your life because with no finance there's no romance. Instead of just being that store clerk apply for management if you already no or doing what a manager do anyway. You can do the job also, stop settling you are worth more than that. If your top pay is $12 an hour it's time to go. Focus on running your own company, being a entrepreneur is easier than you think.
The same way the company you work for started from the ground up you can do the same. There's a lot of start your own business programs and grants out there. Make better decisions in your everyday life, some things we buy we don't even need a lot of people live above there needs. There are so many informed people in America i think we were shoat up for failure. This country is design to kept you in bondage and in debt.
Think about it your credit is only high by your good credit history which means if you don't have open credit your credit score will go down, but if you have open lines of credit and in debt with people- making your payments on time your credit score will be high. So all I'm saying is stop trying to impress people and women with the things you have or can purchase, because most of the things you purchase is not worth nothing after you buy it. But a man with no debt and invests money driving a 1995 Honda, Is worth more than a man riding on 24's in a 2010 charger.
That person is making payments and invested money in something they don't even own. So people enlighten yourself get smarter change the routine and break the cycle. There's nothing like a man with a checking and savings account (and women too). Men you need at least 6 months of savings to cover all your bills and then some. Let's say you make $2000 a month you need at least $12,000 in savings for 6 months.
Now i no you mite be saying how can i do that if I'm check to check every month, trust me there's some thing you can cut back on. Like your habits such as smoking, drugs, shopping, drinking, going out, and the list goes on. So pay attention get financially stable and you will be stress free. This makes relationships better trust me find someone on your level with the same drive and goals you have and somebody that can (manage money). Because nobody likes the broke Man.
Men get your finances together, think about it you wouldn't want a women that does not want nothing or don't have no drive. A lot of people settle in there careers or the job they are working. Men get some stocks and mutual funds get some life insurance, get some health insurance get your credit straight. That's the #1 thing now a days your credit, did you no you can get a free credit report 1 time a year for free.
You don't need to pay someone to do this for you, you can make the phone calls yourself. Just get the report and you will find the majority of things on your report are small and with a phone call you can negotiate your payments.
A lot of creditors rather get something than nothing. Take charge of your life because with no finance there's no romance. Instead of just being that store clerk apply for management if you already no or doing what a manager do anyway. You can do the job also, stop settling you are worth more than that. If your top pay is $12 an hour it's time to go. Focus on running your own company, being a entrepreneur is easier than you think.
The same way the company you work for started from the ground up you can do the same. There's a lot of start your own business programs and grants out there. Make better decisions in your everyday life, some things we buy we don't even need a lot of people live above there needs. There are so many informed people in America i think we were shoat up for failure. This country is design to kept you in bondage and in debt.
Think about it your credit is only high by your good credit history which means if you don't have open credit your credit score will go down, but if you have open lines of credit and in debt with people- making your payments on time your credit score will be high. So all I'm saying is stop trying to impress people and women with the things you have or can purchase, because most of the things you purchase is not worth nothing after you buy it. But a man with no debt and invests money driving a 1995 Honda, Is worth more than a man riding on 24's in a 2010 charger.
That person is making payments and invested money in something they don't even own. So people enlighten yourself get smarter change the routine and break the cycle. There's nothing like a man with a checking and savings account (and women too). Men you need at least 6 months of savings to cover all your bills and then some. Let's say you make $2000 a month you need at least $12,000 in savings for 6 months.
Now i no you mite be saying how can i do that if I'm check to check every month, trust me there's some thing you can cut back on. Like your habits such as smoking, drugs, shopping, drinking, going out, and the list goes on. So pay attention get financially stable and you will be stress free. This makes relationships better trust me find someone on your level with the same drive and goals you have and somebody that can (manage money). Because nobody likes the broke Man.
Educate Yourself
Men try to educate yourself as much as possible, i find that most of us depend on what we have been programmed to do or how to live. Not to say alot of our up bringing was all bad but, what I'm trying to say is question some things if not all the things we were taught.
You would be surprise what you find out, now its not all our parents fault. You can only be taught as much as the teacher no, but that's the biggest reason to do your research find out things for yourself. I find alot of people will ask someone for info on something instead of researching it there self. Don't limit yourself to other people info they mite not no enough about what you are asking. Remember people is only as smart as what they can retain (memory).
It's like i have asked people what is the capitol of Florida some have said Jacksonville, now they are wrong but maybe they were told by somebody else who didn't no that Tallahassee is the capitol. You see what I'm saying, some people think all black people are bad or all Muslim are killers but alot of those people were programmed that way, instead of researching for the right answer. We as men need as much info about everything i mean everything we can think of. Alot of us don't no about stocks, bonds etc.... what about diseases, what about all the harmful foods.
What if i told you all the things that goes on our food on a daily are very harmful and that's a fact. It took me to work at a fertilizer company to realize and see the chemicals that goes on the food. So Read Read Read i can't stress that enough and by making learning a habit you can teach your kids and friends that information is key.
You would be surprise what you find out, now its not all our parents fault. You can only be taught as much as the teacher no, but that's the biggest reason to do your research find out things for yourself. I find alot of people will ask someone for info on something instead of researching it there self. Don't limit yourself to other people info they mite not no enough about what you are asking. Remember people is only as smart as what they can retain (memory).
It's like i have asked people what is the capitol of Florida some have said Jacksonville, now they are wrong but maybe they were told by somebody else who didn't no that Tallahassee is the capitol. You see what I'm saying, some people think all black people are bad or all Muslim are killers but alot of those people were programmed that way, instead of researching for the right answer. We as men need as much info about everything i mean everything we can think of. Alot of us don't no about stocks, bonds etc.... what about diseases, what about all the harmful foods.
What if i told you all the things that goes on our food on a daily are very harmful and that's a fact. It took me to work at a fertilizer company to realize and see the chemicals that goes on the food. So Read Read Read i can't stress that enough and by making learning a habit you can teach your kids and friends that information is key.
Why Do Men Lie
I always get this question, why men lie (why why why). Well all i can come up with is because we can. Now i say that because (women can't handle the truth) but that shouldn't be an excuse. This is why i think alot of us do.
Because men don't want to go through all the question, woman do question a little to much. But i do understand lady's, you just want a truthful man so here it go. Alot of men are doing things that they no the woman will not approve of. Now approve, i don't think it's intentional of a man to lie but.
Let's say your man was watching the game at a friends house rather than home, but you don't like sports you rather him watch lifetime with you cuddling on the couch eating pop-corn. He no you don't like sports or let's say sports in the house makes an argument. He comes home and you ask where you been and he say at my friend house, you say doing what, he say watching the game.
Now you get mad not because he was at the friend house but the fact that he was watching a game and didn't tell you he was going (communication).
This is why a man would lie because it prevents the argument. Now a way that could have been squished was if he would have said honey or what ever your pet name is, would you like to watch a lifetime movie, first get the pop-corn out and the drinks. Then after the movie goes off (around the time the game is coming on) say honey would you watch the game with me or let me show you why i like it so much.
But here's were the problem come in at if you can't compromise he will go to the friends house an watch the game an enjoy himself then come home and lie about what he was doing. Basically you have to give a little to get a little.
Tips for the women:
Learn to respect your man hobby's, his likes, basically what he likes(vise versa).
Stop nagging, bitching and trying to right all the time.
Tips for the man:
Stop lying.
If you are grown act like it.
Be a REAL MAN and deal with it.
If you can't do the things you like with your women (ya'll shouldn't be together).
But to really answer your question we lie to keep from arguing, to us the(truth is not always the best policy).
We as men need to get our life's together start communicating better with the 1 we love. I believe that if you and your mate can't agree and compromise to make your life together better, then find someone who enjoys the same thing you do and someone you get along with stop settling for anybody.
If you like to play sports, watch sports, like movies, like shopping, like smoking weed, playing video games, kids, strip clubs etc... find someone who like those things to or those things don't bother that person. People (IT'S ONLY LIFE) and life is short act your age and not your shoe size "my MOM use to say that to me alot" lol.
DISCLAIMER:Some words maybe misspelled or grammar not used properly "get over it-its not that serious".
Because men don't want to go through all the question, woman do question a little to much. But i do understand lady's, you just want a truthful man so here it go. Alot of men are doing things that they no the woman will not approve of. Now approve, i don't think it's intentional of a man to lie but.
Let's say your man was watching the game at a friends house rather than home, but you don't like sports you rather him watch lifetime with you cuddling on the couch eating pop-corn. He no you don't like sports or let's say sports in the house makes an argument. He comes home and you ask where you been and he say at my friend house, you say doing what, he say watching the game.
Now you get mad not because he was at the friend house but the fact that he was watching a game and didn't tell you he was going (communication).
This is why a man would lie because it prevents the argument. Now a way that could have been squished was if he would have said honey or what ever your pet name is, would you like to watch a lifetime movie, first get the pop-corn out and the drinks. Then after the movie goes off (around the time the game is coming on) say honey would you watch the game with me or let me show you why i like it so much.
But here's were the problem come in at if you can't compromise he will go to the friends house an watch the game an enjoy himself then come home and lie about what he was doing. Basically you have to give a little to get a little.
Tips for the women:
Learn to respect your man hobby's, his likes, basically what he likes(vise versa).
Stop nagging, bitching and trying to right all the time.
Tips for the man:
Stop lying.
If you are grown act like it.
Be a REAL MAN and deal with it.
If you can't do the things you like with your women (ya'll shouldn't be together).
But to really answer your question we lie to keep from arguing, to us the(truth is not always the best policy).
We as men need to get our life's together start communicating better with the 1 we love. I believe that if you and your mate can't agree and compromise to make your life together better, then find someone who enjoys the same thing you do and someone you get along with stop settling for anybody.
If you like to play sports, watch sports, like movies, like shopping, like smoking weed, playing video games, kids, strip clubs etc... find someone who like those things to or those things don't bother that person. People (IT'S ONLY LIFE) and life is short act your age and not your shoe size "my MOM use to say that to me alot" lol.
DISCLAIMER:Some words maybe misspelled or grammar not used properly "get over it-its not that serious".
Alot of men don't no that women pay alot attention to hygiene. Here's what i have found out from alot of women and just from being a man myself. Now this blog is meant to help men not to bad mouth men. Look these tips may help; things you should do:
Your mouth: guys look would you like a women with bad breath i don't think so, so "brush your teeth" that means brushing your tongue, teeth, gums, and flossing after meals brush your teeth more than 1 time a day. If you smoke (SMOKERS) do all these things i said at least 3 times a day. Please gargle, and it wont hurt to swallow some it want kill you. Because if you think about it what you eat causes bad breath but i will get to that later.
Take a bath:look wash thoroughly this means if you have to take a bath twice a day do it. Change your wash rag everyday if possible, please don't wash your butt before you wash your face that's just nasty. Don't forget to wash your feet get the dirt off your whole body.
Ears:inside and out, peroxide helps.
Wipe your ass:this means after you finish handling your biz-ness on the toilet wipe until you are clean, and baby wipes helps. It sounds funny but think about it we clean baby's bottoms with wipes to make them smell good. So if you think about it, you can smell good to, this is great for your testicles and penis because water splashes up and hit's them (or maybe that's just me) lol.
Hands and Feet:guys please- this is a plus women loves a man who takes care of there hands and feet. No women want a man to touch there body's with rough hands and nasty feet. So tighten up guys, get the manicure and the pedicure (it don't mean your GAY) guy's grow up your women will appreciate it trust me.
Wear clean clothes:change clothes, if they are dirty don't wear'um bottom line.
Get in shape:believe it or not working out helps release the fat and toxins that makes your body have odor.
Last but not least change your eating habits, eat more veggies the same thing grown-ups tell kids, its still works for grown-ups so practice what you preach.
So men this helps you to be a better man, better husband, better father and best of all you will smell and look better. Women will love you (I think).
Your mouth: guys look would you like a women with bad breath i don't think so, so "brush your teeth" that means brushing your tongue, teeth, gums, and flossing after meals brush your teeth more than 1 time a day. If you smoke (SMOKERS) do all these things i said at least 3 times a day. Please gargle, and it wont hurt to swallow some it want kill you. Because if you think about it what you eat causes bad breath but i will get to that later.
Take a bath:look wash thoroughly this means if you have to take a bath twice a day do it. Change your wash rag everyday if possible, please don't wash your butt before you wash your face that's just nasty. Don't forget to wash your feet get the dirt off your whole body.
Ears:inside and out, peroxide helps.
Wipe your ass:this means after you finish handling your biz-ness on the toilet wipe until you are clean, and baby wipes helps. It sounds funny but think about it we clean baby's bottoms with wipes to make them smell good. So if you think about it, you can smell good to, this is great for your testicles and penis because water splashes up and hit's them (or maybe that's just me) lol.
Hands and Feet:guys please- this is a plus women loves a man who takes care of there hands and feet. No women want a man to touch there body's with rough hands and nasty feet. So tighten up guys, get the manicure and the pedicure (it don't mean your GAY) guy's grow up your women will appreciate it trust me.
Wear clean clothes:change clothes, if they are dirty don't wear'um bottom line.
Get in shape:believe it or not working out helps release the fat and toxins that makes your body have odor.
Last but not least change your eating habits, eat more veggies the same thing grown-ups tell kids, its still works for grown-ups so practice what you preach.
So men this helps you to be a better man, better husband, better father and best of all you will smell and look better. Women will love you (I think).
Why Men Cheat
Well this is my opinion and i like to be straight forward. Alot of people think they no why men cheat but the truth is there is no one real answer. But we can go over some reasons men cheat.
First, a Man will cheat just because the wind is blowing (lol). If a Man have the opportunity he will cheat. Now this is not all Men don't get it twisted. Some men have to be pushed to cheat. Some men cheat for revenge, meaning if a man have been hurt he may lose trust in women, oh he will still deal with a woman but will not trust her.
But some men have been hurt and will not cheat. Now women stop recking your brain trying to figure out why men cheat.
A man can have a great women, she's good in bed, she works, she has a good attitude, shes beautiful,she supports her man in anything he wants to do and he will still cheat, with trash, garbage type women no job no dreams no nothing.
So it's hard to really say why men cheat. But women if you are lucky you might have that real man or that good man who thinks the world of you so don't get discourage.
There is hope lady's but for the men the worst lesson learn is to have that good women and you are not that good man and you decide after deceiving that women and she don't want yo sorry butt no more, and leaves you then you get with some one that is not have the women that you had that's the worst feeling.
So players please tighten up if the women is worth keeping, bottom line keep her. That's not it women some of ya'll need to tighten up to, i feel if you are above a certain age and still talking about what you don't do in the bedroom, I'ma say 8 times out of 10 yo man will cheat.

It's not that hard to find someone that is nasty in the bedroom (this goes both way's guys). But bottom line is handle your business and maybe just maybe things will work out for the best so good luck to everybody oh please leave your comments. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog.
First, a Man will cheat just because the wind is blowing (lol). If a Man have the opportunity he will cheat. Now this is not all Men don't get it twisted. Some men have to be pushed to cheat. Some men cheat for revenge, meaning if a man have been hurt he may lose trust in women, oh he will still deal with a woman but will not trust her.
But some men have been hurt and will not cheat. Now women stop recking your brain trying to figure out why men cheat.
A man can have a great women, she's good in bed, she works, she has a good attitude, shes beautiful,she supports her man in anything he wants to do and he will still cheat, with trash, garbage type women no job no dreams no nothing.
So it's hard to really say why men cheat. But women if you are lucky you might have that real man or that good man who thinks the world of you so don't get discourage.
There is hope lady's but for the men the worst lesson learn is to have that good women and you are not that good man and you decide after deceiving that women and she don't want yo sorry butt no more, and leaves you then you get with some one that is not have the women that you had that's the worst feeling.
So players please tighten up if the women is worth keeping, bottom line keep her. That's not it women some of ya'll need to tighten up to, i feel if you are above a certain age and still talking about what you don't do in the bedroom, I'ma say 8 times out of 10 yo man will cheat.
It's not that hard to find someone that is nasty in the bedroom (this goes both way's guys). But bottom line is handle your business and maybe just maybe things will work out for the best so good luck to everybody oh please leave your comments. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog.
How to treat a Women
I believe for years a lot of Men don't no or don't care about treating a Women good. A lot of us grew up in what is called a( broking home) but that's no excuse. Most guys are just like me, i was raised by my mom (she did a great job) that's my girl. She gave us the no how about life and how to treat people- how you want to be treated. Especially Women, now you are thinking so what whats the point my point is, it has a lot to do with the man and how that man choose to live his life. He can be raised right by both parents or by a single parent it's still up to that individual. The reality is there's alot of real men,good men and good father figures but there's more bad men,uninformed or down right just don't care about people men. I have a couple of starting points that will help a lot of men become that real man.
1st Learn to love yourself-if you don't love yourself you can't love nobody else.
2nd Treat people how you want be treated.
3rd Think before you speak-it's not what you say it's how you say it.
4th Learn to listen-that means shut up and just listen.
5th Cater to your family,women,and kids-you will be liked or love more by taking the extra time to cater to your loved ones.
I have one more-men start picking up the slack, for alot of women it's not so much about money its the little things that count like,
cooking,cleaning,washing clothes and folding,picking up behind yourself, watching the kids (there your kids to) your home should be the most important thing, not your friends and not your hobby.
I would like to hear what people think about that- please leave your comments.
note: If words are misspelled get over it it's not that serious.
1st Learn to love yourself-if you don't love yourself you can't love nobody else.
2nd Treat people how you want be treated.
3rd Think before you speak-it's not what you say it's how you say it.
4th Learn to listen-that means shut up and just listen.
5th Cater to your family,women,and kids-you will be liked or love more by taking the extra time to cater to your loved ones.
I have one more-men start picking up the slack, for alot of women it's not so much about money its the little things that count like,
cooking,cleaning,washing clothes and folding,picking up behind yourself, watching the kids (there your kids to) your home should be the most important thing, not your friends and not your hobby.
I would like to hear what people think about that- please leave your comments.
note: If words are misspelled get over it it's not that serious.
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