First, a Man will cheat just because the wind is blowing (lol). If a Man have the opportunity he will cheat. Now this is not all Men don't get it twisted. Some men have to be pushed to cheat. Some men cheat for revenge, meaning if a man have been hurt he may lose trust in women, oh he will still deal with a woman but will not trust her.
But some men have been hurt and will not cheat. Now women stop recking your brain trying to figure out why men cheat.
A man can have a great women, she's good in bed, she works, she has a good attitude, shes beautiful,she supports her man in anything he wants to do and he will still cheat, with trash, garbage type women no job no dreams no nothing.
So it's hard to really say why men cheat. But women if you are lucky you might have that real man or that good man who thinks the world of you so don't get discourage.
There is hope lady's but for the men the worst lesson learn is to have that good women and you are not that good man and you decide after deceiving that women and she don't want yo sorry butt no more, and leaves you then you get with some one that is not have the women that you had that's the worst feeling.
So players please tighten up if the women is worth keeping, bottom line keep her. That's not it women some of ya'll need to tighten up to, i feel if you are above a certain age and still talking about what you don't do in the bedroom, I'ma say 8 times out of 10 yo man will cheat.
It's not that hard to find someone that is nasty in the bedroom (this goes both way's guys). But bottom line is handle your business and maybe just maybe things will work out for the best so good luck to everybody oh please leave your comments. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog.
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