Thinking about buying a home anytime soon, is this even in your future plans?
Well here's some advice if you think you will ever own a home think again, this is a big miss conception in the U.S. Now here is the reality- for some people buying a home is a great thing a good investment, that's all it is a investment it's like everything else with value a investment.
Why do i say that here's why- you will never own any property in the United States, you will always make some type of payment to some financial entity. If you don't believe me after you pay off your house miss a couple property tax payments and see what happens. So men let's stop thinking you will own a home think of it as a investment and use it as a investment.
It's been said (why rent when you can buy)-ever heard that before. The only time or reason to buy a home is when it benefits you and your family nothing else.
If your mortgage, insurance and property taxes are not less than your rent then what's the point. I know i know what you are saying why should you pay someone else mortgage by renting. To some degree we have been brain washed in believing this, if you are paying $800 in rent why not buy for let's say $1000 mortgage.
But what they don't add in is the property taxes, insurance and all the maintenance that comes with it. But i will say if you can get your mortgage, taxes and insurance the same or less than your rent then you should do it.
Bottom line is to do your homework before you sign anything know what you are getting yourself into and don't just take people word for it. Please don't do the balloon rate thing you will lose only go with a fixed rate that doesn't change. Be careful out there!!!!!!!!!
Who's the Daddy??????
baby daddy pregnancy women men
Lady's this is something a lot of women go though, but I'm here to tell you "if you have slept with more than 1 man in 30 days you don't know who your baby daddy is".
It's a on going problem in society today, yes it's a man responsibility to take care of his kids. But I'm not taking about the men that have taking the DNA test and found out the baby is his and not doing his part.
This is for the women that are sleeping with more than 1 man at a time, now this is a woman's responsibility to respect herself enough not be giving herself away like a slut in the street. It starts with the woman because 1 thing about it the baby is 100% the woman child.
So birth control is also for women to protect and prevent pregnancy, so lets start sharing the blame when it comes to the paternity of these kids. If more woman would be with just 1 man they would no who the father of there child is.
So lady's start respecting yourself more and it would be easy to know who your baby daddy is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a on going problem in society today, yes it's a man responsibility to take care of his kids. But I'm not taking about the men that have taking the DNA test and found out the baby is his and not doing his part.
This is for the women that are sleeping with more than 1 man at a time, now this is a woman's responsibility to respect herself enough not be giving herself away like a slut in the street. It starts with the woman because 1 thing about it the baby is 100% the woman child.
So birth control is also for women to protect and prevent pregnancy, so lets start sharing the blame when it comes to the paternity of these kids. If more woman would be with just 1 man they would no who the father of there child is.
I will say again this is for the woman that sleep around.
Happy (Real Men/Women) Day!!!!!!!!!!
Well it's the day for the Real Men and the Real Women who are fathers also to take a bow, for the ones that have been doing the part of the father, the daddy, the protector, the #1 man/woman in your child's life.
Take a bow once again, if you are not at this point yet trust me you can make it if you try hard enough.
Lady's and Daughter's stand up and Appreciate the Real Men in your life, for a child with a real father will understand what i mean when i say a Real Father.
Even if your biological father was never there you probably know a Real Father or a Real Man and let's not forget the StepFathers.
The step father is the Real Man that take care of the child that is not his, GOD Bless the step father. For some it's the only Father that some kids know.
A Real Father is someone that: cares, listen, talks, read, love, help with homework, clean up, not abusive, teach right from wrong and all around takes care of his family an or kids. Stand up Real Fathers.
So once again Real Fathers, Real Daddy's, Real Men, and Real Husband take another bow because this is your day. To my Mother-Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!!
Take a bow once again, if you are not at this point yet trust me you can make it if you try hard enough.
Lady's and Daughter's stand up and Appreciate the Real Men in your life, for a child with a real father will understand what i mean when i say a Real Father.
Even if your biological father was never there you probably know a Real Father or a Real Man and let's not forget the StepFathers.
The step father is the Real Man that take care of the child that is not his, GOD Bless the step father. For some it's the only Father that some kids know.
A Real Father is someone that: cares, listen, talks, read, love, help with homework, clean up, not abusive, teach right from wrong and all around takes care of his family an or kids. Stand up Real Fathers.
So once again Real Fathers, Real Daddy's, Real Men, and Real Husband take another bow because this is your day. To my Mother-Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!!
Watch your kids!!!!!
0 commentsIn this day and age you as a parent can not let up on your kids. Stop being your child's friend, this is where a lot of parents are failing.
Be in all of there business there should be no privacy in your house, parents stop with this method of thinking you are the adult act like it.
You can call it spying you can call it what ever you like but you should call it parenting.
It's your responsibility not the government problem it's yours i think they want a certain percentage of kids to fail and don't make despite what they may say.
Think for a second how many kids are dying failing or dropping out of school, open your eyes do you want your child below the poverty level or do you want more for your child? If you can not see this maybe you are the wrong person for the job-let somebody else be a parent to your child.
Because by not being in everything your child is doing you subject them to failure no one else just you, so when say i trust my child- my child want do this and that you are being nieve.
The government have a lot of you brain washed in think your child should have these rights of privacy-well I'm here to tell you what a child's privacy means.
Drug use, teen pregnancy, building bombs, meeting rapist, failing school, suicidal thoughts etc..... get it together until they get out of your house there is no privacy (grow up parents) stop being the child.
Domestic Violence!!!!!!!!!!!!! Men and Women
First off I'm talking to you men this will be quick. Look if you are hitting on your woman you need your butt wiped you need to seek help you have self-esteem and anger management issues.
For some of you this makes you a man but I'm here to let you no it don't. It makes you less than a man if you can't take what your woman do you need to stand up be a man and tell her it's over.

If she is disrespecting you- leave her,
If she wont shut up and you can't handle her mouth- leave her,
If she don't clean how you want her to clean- leave her,
If you caught her cheating on you- leave her,
If these are some of the things that makes you hit your woman, that you are suppose to love then you should leave her. Bottom line grow up start controlling your anger go to the gym or get some consoling.
This is for the women-stand up for your self stop letting these men bet you like a man. I'm have no sympathy for the woman that have been getting beat for 1,2,3,4,5 and up years.
If you are over 20 and you don't no a man shouldn't beat you, you have a problem. If you don't no now you do he don't love you that's not love lady's, it starts with you.
I know a lot of women will say a lot of women think that a man love them if they beat them, some even get threaten and that's why they deal with the abuse.
I will never know what a woman goes though on this matter but i will tell you this as a man, a man will continue to beat his woman if a woman keep letting him do it. The solution for women is put him in jail the first time and don't deal with that man ever again.
For the provoking woman don't put your hands on your man if you don't want him to hit you back. This is for the women that may have that man that she know won't put his hands on her but every body have there limit.
Let's all take responsibility for our actions.
For some of you this makes you a man but I'm here to let you no it don't. It makes you less than a man if you can't take what your woman do you need to stand up be a man and tell her it's over.

If she is disrespecting you- leave her,
If she wont shut up and you can't handle her mouth- leave her,
If she don't clean how you want her to clean- leave her,
If you caught her cheating on you- leave her,
If these are some of the things that makes you hit your woman, that you are suppose to love then you should leave her. Bottom line grow up start controlling your anger go to the gym or get some consoling.
This is for the women-stand up for your self stop letting these men bet you like a man. I'm have no sympathy for the woman that have been getting beat for 1,2,3,4,5 and up years.
If you are over 20 and you don't no a man shouldn't beat you, you have a problem. If you don't no now you do he don't love you that's not love lady's, it starts with you.
I know a lot of women will say a lot of women think that a man love them if they beat them, some even get threaten and that's why they deal with the abuse.
I will never know what a woman goes though on this matter but i will tell you this as a man, a man will continue to beat his woman if a woman keep letting him do it. The solution for women is put him in jail the first time and don't deal with that man ever again.
For the provoking woman don't put your hands on your man if you don't want him to hit you back. This is for the women that may have that man that she know won't put his hands on her but every body have there limit.
Let's all take responsibility for our actions.
4 Tips on finding the right Woman for you (Single Men)
The Single Man has many choices he can choose from when it comes to women. Men here is where you have the advantage in your life and the direction you want to go in. You can be pickie-you can set the standards an pic the right woman for you.
You probably have been with the wrong women before and that's why your single again. Now by taking your time on the new search you need to set boundaries and hold a standard to the type of woman you really want.
4 Tips
1-If you don't like a woman that smokes don't pic that woman.
2-If you want a woman with a career find a woman with a career and not a job.
3-You don't want kids at this point in your life find a woman that don't have kids.
4-If you have good credit find a woman with good credit.
Do you understand what I'm saying now don't get with a woman you are not comfortable with, it's like buying a pair of shoes. If you like Air Jordon's you probably won't go to pay less to find a pair Jordon's.
So stop picking your woman based on the superficial and find a woman that meets your standards.
You probably have been with the wrong women before and that's why your single again. Now by taking your time on the new search you need to set boundaries and hold a standard to the type of woman you really want.
4 Tips
1-If you don't like a woman that smokes don't pic that woman.
2-If you want a woman with a career find a woman with a career and not a job.
3-You don't want kids at this point in your life find a woman that don't have kids.
4-If you have good credit find a woman with good credit.
Do you understand what I'm saying now don't get with a woman you are not comfortable with, it's like buying a pair of shoes. If you like Air Jordon's you probably won't go to pay less to find a pair Jordon's.
So stop picking your woman based on the superficial and find a woman that meets your standards.
beauty women men love life
How do you know if she's the right woman for you, is she doing what she's suppose too be doing?
A lot of men pick the type of woman they are with by looks;why? because appearance is the first thing men see.
How a woman is dressed, how she walks, how she smiles some times we get caught up in that whole beauty thing and what a woman is really about becomes secondary.
Now you got that woman and time has past you are now in a relationship you may find that she is pretty an all that but she have no home skills. Meaning she don't clean, cook, wash clothes, the sex is horrible, she's a loud mouth, she loves the streets/clubs an don't respect you- now you may fell stuck (what do you do now?)
Do you leave her, do you work on it or do you just deal with it?
1.If its possible you should work on it talk about the things that are bothering you see if that helps.
2.If you can't work it out you should move on- maybe that woman is not on your level and you should keep it moving.
Men don't waste your time on the wrong woman you will be miserable figure out the type of woman you would like to be with and find that woman don't settle for just a beautiful woman.
Men Everything that looks good is not good!!!!!!!!!
A lot of men pick the type of woman they are with by looks;why? because appearance is the first thing men see.
How a woman is dressed, how she walks, how she smiles some times we get caught up in that whole beauty thing and what a woman is really about becomes secondary.
Now you got that woman and time has past you are now in a relationship you may find that she is pretty an all that but she have no home skills. Meaning she don't clean, cook, wash clothes, the sex is horrible, she's a loud mouth, she loves the streets/clubs an don't respect you- now you may fell stuck (what do you do now?)
Do you leave her, do you work on it or do you just deal with it?
1.If its possible you should work on it talk about the things that are bothering you see if that helps.
2.If you can't work it out you should move on- maybe that woman is not on your level and you should keep it moving.
Men don't waste your time on the wrong woman you will be miserable figure out the type of woman you would like to be with and find that woman don't settle for just a beautiful woman.
Men Everything that looks good is not good!!!!!!!!!
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