For some of you this makes you a man but I'm here to let you no it don't. It makes you less than a man if you can't take what your woman do you need to stand up be a man and tell her it's over.

If she is disrespecting you- leave her,
If she wont shut up and you can't handle her mouth- leave her,
If she don't clean how you want her to clean- leave her,
If you caught her cheating on you- leave her,
If these are some of the things that makes you hit your woman, that you are suppose to love then you should leave her. Bottom line grow up start controlling your anger go to the gym or get some consoling.
This is for the women-stand up for your self stop letting these men bet you like a man. I'm have no sympathy for the woman that have been getting beat for 1,2,3,4,5 and up years.
If you are over 20 and you don't no a man shouldn't beat you, you have a problem. If you don't no now you do he don't love you that's not love lady's, it starts with you.
I know a lot of women will say a lot of women think that a man love them if they beat them, some even get threaten and that's why they deal with the abuse.
I will never know what a woman goes though on this matter but i will tell you this as a man, a man will continue to beat his woman if a woman keep letting him do it. The solution for women is put him in jail the first time and don't deal with that man ever again.
For the provoking woman don't put your hands on your man if you don't want him to hit you back. This is for the women that may have that man that she know won't put his hands on her but every body have there limit.
Let's all take responsibility for our actions.
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