This is for the fallen soldiers and the ones fighting abroad. This are the people that goes into situation with no hesitation for our country.
We must never forget these brave men and women that sacrifice everything so we can live better lives.
So to everyone out there please remember and so your support, they don't do what they do for nothing.
I would like to remember my father who served in the Vietnam War, i love you and you will never be forgotten.
Should you pay for the date (Men)?
A lot of people may find this to be a tough question and I'm here to help.This has been going on for a long time women believes men should always pay. Well I'm here to tell you lady's you are have right, men you should pay for the date because its the right thing to do.(ever heard that before?)
Woman has always felt disrespected when men would say a woman's place is in the kitchen. Have you noticed over the years how there's more men in the kitchen than ever (that's change) why is this subject any different.
But it's 2010 and things have change from back in the day were women couldn't work. Now more than 80% of women work and i think women should share the responsibility. I don't think its a bad thing for a woman to pay sometimes, there's a lot of women that don't mind paying.
This doesn't make a man less than a man people this means you have a woman that understands that its not all about her. For years women have been wanting to be treated equal and so do we, but is it the pride of the man that may be tarnished if she decides to pay for dinner.
You would be surprised at the number of women that don't mind, i no a lot of people will disagree but ask around and you will see that a big percentage of women really don't mind.
Woman has always felt disrespected when men would say a woman's place is in the kitchen. Have you noticed over the years how there's more men in the kitchen than ever (that's change) why is this subject any different.
But it's 2010 and things have change from back in the day were women couldn't work. Now more than 80% of women work and i think women should share the responsibility. I don't think its a bad thing for a woman to pay sometimes, there's a lot of women that don't mind paying.
This doesn't make a man less than a man people this means you have a woman that understands that its not all about her. For years women have been wanting to be treated equal and so do we, but is it the pride of the man that may be tarnished if she decides to pay for dinner.
You would be surprised at the number of women that don't mind, i no a lot of people will disagree but ask around and you will see that a big percentage of women really don't mind.
(SEX). Men talk to your sons.
Men this is for you, we as men have to talk to our sons about sex. Just think how you learned about it, was it from a porn movie back in the day or from your older brother that thought he knew it all because he claimed all the girls loved him.
We as men or some of us may think it's a touchy subject to talk about, think about the age you were when you had your first child did you have all the info you needed or may have wanted. Most of us was taught wear a condom but you see where that got you.

Listen up information is key in any situation I'm not saying just teach abstinence but teach the fundamentals of having sex. Don't be nieve and think your child will wait until they have finished school and have a career or get married, its almost not realistic in some cases.
The percentage of teens having sex is growing, std's are sky rocketing this information starts at home or you can let the world teach them and wait for the outcome.
We as men or some of us may think it's a touchy subject to talk about, think about the age you were when you had your first child did you have all the info you needed or may have wanted. Most of us was taught wear a condom but you see where that got you.
The percentage of teens having sex is growing, std's are sky rocketing this information starts at home or you can let the world teach them and wait for the outcome.
Keep Friends out your business!!!!!
Look men if you want to keep a healthy relationship Keep your friends out of your business. Now why do i say that, in every relationship its different but what goes on your house stays in your house.
It's okay to confide in your friends but to a certain existence, like for example you can talk about sex but not with all the details ask a question and get on with it. This is if you just have to ask somebody but I would advise not to talk about sex at all because in reality its nobody business but yours.
But we all my have questions that we may not feel comfortable asking our mates about. But what i would say to that is if you can lay down with your partner but you can't ask the uncomfortable question then maybe you shouldn't be with that person.
The purpose of this is some friends are really not your friends, some people can care less about your relationships and don't forget misery loves company. So if you want to keep your friendship (for some) keep your friends out of your business.
It's okay to confide in your friends but to a certain existence, like for example you can talk about sex but not with all the details ask a question and get on with it. This is if you just have to ask somebody but I would advise not to talk about sex at all because in reality its nobody business but yours.
But we all my have questions that we may not feel comfortable asking our mates about. But what i would say to that is if you can lay down with your partner but you can't ask the uncomfortable question then maybe you shouldn't be with that person.
The purpose of this is some friends are really not your friends, some people can care less about your relationships and don't forget misery loves company. So if you want to keep your friendship (for some) keep your friends out of your business.
Having fun with your woman?
Men we have to bring back the romance in the relationship. It's okay to tell your woman you love her but don't stop there. We have to go back to the things we did in the beginning like-calling her for no reason just to say you were on my mind.
It's the little things that count try writing her a love letter or take a naked picture of yourself and leave it in her phone or purse (lol). Well maybe don't go that far but it will work, do something fun like get a hotel for the weekend or go away on a trip for the weekend.What about parachuting or bungee jumping together.
Try turning your friends down for the weekend but do it front of her or so that she can hear you. A night out dancing or go clubbing to a club that you haven't been to. Go walking on the beach- get drunk together if the both of you can be civilize when you drink. If not that may be a bad chose or go to Dairy Queen have a banana split together.
Play some sports together like tennis, racket ball, baseball, football,basketball etc...Something simple like staying in bed all day don't go nowhere. Men try turning your phone off women love the attention. Just for fun do her hair and make-up even when you mess it up she would have still had fun (take a picture) for memories.
The number 1 thing for some maybe have sex outside be spontaneous, remember as long as she is having a good time you are doing your job.
It's the little things that count try writing her a love letter or take a naked picture of yourself and leave it in her phone or purse (lol). Well maybe don't go that far but it will work, do something fun like get a hotel for the weekend or go away on a trip for the weekend.What about parachuting or bungee jumping together.

Play some sports together like tennis, racket ball, baseball, football,basketball etc...Something simple like staying in bed all day don't go nowhere. Men try turning your phone off women love the attention. Just for fun do her hair and make-up even when you mess it up she would have still had fun (take a picture) for memories.
The number 1 thing for some maybe have sex outside be spontaneous, remember as long as she is having a good time you are doing your job.
Financial Freedom
Stuck with that 4 year car note, what about that credit card debt, can't put your kids through college-well you need financial freedom.
This starts at home you can easily change by changing your thinking. Start by budgeting and saving the majority of your income, now a lot of people may say how can i save if i work check to check.
Some good ways to start is by setting goals set goals for your self. Start with small goals its hard to focus on big goals if you can't reach the small ones. For instance like you wanna save $100 this month suppose to you wanna save $20,000 this year-make them realistic.
Track you money: see were ever penny is going, keep all receipts, pay with cash stop swiping, stop eating out its bad for you anyway, cut down on your cable, lower your cell phone bill, shop for things on sell that you need (necessities). The money you take to go unnecessary shopping this month save it or buy a stock (
Invest: make your money work for you, some banks have a 4-9% return- check out the banks in your area. People we have to control our future think bigger than what you may have been thinking. Stop buying designer clothes save that money, you are only making other people rich stop trying to impress your friends and other people. If you may notice you and the company you keep 9 times out of 10 are in the same boat (Financially).
So start focusing on a better you and you can have a better future.
This starts at home you can easily change by changing your thinking. Start by budgeting and saving the majority of your income, now a lot of people may say how can i save if i work check to check.
Some good ways to start is by setting goals set goals for your self. Start with small goals its hard to focus on big goals if you can't reach the small ones. For instance like you wanna save $100 this month suppose to you wanna save $20,000 this year-make them realistic.
Track you money: see were ever penny is going, keep all receipts, pay with cash stop swiping, stop eating out its bad for you anyway, cut down on your cable, lower your cell phone bill, shop for things on sell that you need (necessities). The money you take to go unnecessary shopping this month save it or buy a stock (

So start focusing on a better you and you can have a better future.
Mercedes!! So what if you can't afford it!!!!!
Is things like this really important in your life, does the material things make you or brake you. Everybody is not meant to have the so called luxury's in life, but that's if you consider it a luxury.
Some people could care less- they have better ways to spend there time and money. I'm not saying that Mercedes Benz are bad cars, that's not what I'm trying to do here. You have to find what drives you as a person some people may stress out because they can't have to finer things in life.
Look people your health is worth more than any material item you may can afford, but 80 or 90% of the things you purchase depreciates in value as soon as you buy it.
Investing your money or making purchases that can increase in value is the smart way to go.
Gaining wealth can start with $0.01.
Some people could care less- they have better ways to spend there time and money. I'm not saying that Mercedes Benz are bad cars, that's not what I'm trying to do here. You have to find what drives you as a person some people may stress out because they can't have to finer things in life.
Gaining wealth can start with $0.01.
Men get a Suit: Get your Swag on!!!!!!
This is for all men, if you ever wonder why you can't get that woman you seen today or you didn't get that job you tried so hard to get. Let's start with this, if you don't have one already you need to get one (A SUIT) yes that's right a suit.
Now this mite not help you get that beautiful woman you seen or that job you wanted but it will certainly make you feel better. If you look better your attitude will be better, perception is everything.
People judge people on appearance: example if you see good looking woman but see is dressed like a bum you probably wouldn't give her the time a day, but if she was dress to impress you would probably be interested in her just by how shes dressed.
The same goes for us men, women loves a well dressed man it shows character, it shows you care how you look, and it shows taste. Women loves fashion and if you present good fashion it will catch a women eye-trust me.
Find a suit store the Men's Warehouse is a very good one they have a large variety of suits. What kind of suit to buy you probably thinking---nothing to flashy, stay away from loud colors and don't over do it. Find something to your liken or better yet ask a woman's opinion.
Personalize it pick the right fabric, coordinate, chose the right style for you. You have to play the part if you look successful you will probably be successful.
Don't forget the shoes- i no we often buy tennis shoe and that's fine but stepping it up means getting some leather or platform shoes (casual ware). You can find brands such as Stacy Adams, Clarke's, Steve Maddens etc....
What's a suit without a nice dress Watch, you don't have to tell time with it but it look great with a suit. All of these things go together, so don't have do it. When women dress they dress from head to toe, we need to do the same.
Finally the last thing- it's big if not the biggest, get a hair cut (grooming) dressing to impress is nothing without being properly groom, that means shaving, re twist your dreads, re braid your hair, new hair dew, nails clean, feet clean, take a bath, brush your teeth, use deodorant and so on......
These things make you who you are and if you don't care to look decent you will suffer, image is everything.
Now this mite not help you get that beautiful woman you seen or that job you wanted but it will certainly make you feel better. If you look better your attitude will be better, perception is everything.
People judge people on appearance: example if you see good looking woman but see is dressed like a bum you probably wouldn't give her the time a day, but if she was dress to impress you would probably be interested in her just by how shes dressed.
The same goes for us men, women loves a well dressed man it shows character, it shows you care how you look, and it shows taste. Women loves fashion and if you present good fashion it will catch a women eye-trust me.
Find a suit store the Men's Warehouse is a very good one they have a large variety of suits. What kind of suit to buy you probably thinking---nothing to flashy, stay away from loud colors and don't over do it. Find something to your liken or better yet ask a woman's opinion.

Don't forget the shoes- i no we often buy tennis shoe and that's fine but stepping it up means getting some leather or platform shoes (casual ware). You can find brands such as Stacy Adams, Clarke's, Steve Maddens etc....
What's a suit without a nice dress Watch, you don't have to tell time with it but it look great with a suit. All of these things go together, so don't have do it. When women dress they dress from head to toe, we need to do the same.
Finally the last thing- it's big if not the biggest, get a hair cut (grooming) dressing to impress is nothing without being properly groom, that means shaving, re twist your dreads, re braid your hair, new hair dew, nails clean, feet clean, take a bath, brush your teeth, use deodorant and so on......
These things make you who you are and if you don't care to look decent you will suffer, image is everything.
Men: Please beat your KIDS!!!!!!!
No matter what anybody tell you (BEAT YOUR KIDS). Men society has messed up the way we as parent can discipline our kids. That really disturbs me, the government calls it abuse if you beat your kids. But I'm here to tell you beat your kids.
Look i don't mean child abuse but i mean put that fear in your child, if you don't you will lose control of that child. Look at this the crime rate among kids have sky rocketed, drugs, sex, school drop rate and so on.
I here a lot of people say don't beat the child talk to the child find out what the problem is, try using time out yeah time out. Put the child on punishment but don't beat the child. Look i got a lot of a** whippings and look how i turned out, it could have been different i could be dead or in jail.
But thanks to a good old fashion a** whupping i learned respect, i have morals, and i made something of myself.
Men this is for you, we all no there's a lot of fatherless kids in the world. I give all props to the women for doing our duties from the start. But there is nothing like your dad beating your butt, growing up i would always rather my mom beat me than my dad it did something to my soul (lol) when my dad would beat me.
This method makes it easier on the women in raising the child trust me, That's why i say beat your kids-teach them that respect that they are suppose to have. When i was coming up as a good son there were things kids didn't think about doing now they are shooting each other,disrespecting the parents,acting out in school (failing more).
Did you no that when a child acts out you can get a check for that child (ADHD)or (A.D.D). They will pay you because your child is hyper, this to me is a form of labeling and sending the wrong message to parents. They also have toMedicate some of these kids to calm them down, i think the child is just being a child. Maybe i just don't understand!
I feel if the government wants to dictate how you chastise your child they should take care of that child. This is not for the child abusing parents but for the parents with sense. I no laws are put in place as a safety net but enough is enough, let parents be parents.
To all parents stop trying to be your child's friend, you are the parent act like it. Men teach your son how to be a Man and teach your daughter how to be a lady.
Look i don't mean child abuse but i mean put that fear in your child, if you don't you will lose control of that child. Look at this the crime rate among kids have sky rocketed, drugs, sex, school drop rate and so on.

But thanks to a good old fashion a** whupping i learned respect, i have morals, and i made something of myself.
Men this is for you, we all no there's a lot of fatherless kids in the world. I give all props to the women for doing our duties from the start. But there is nothing like your dad beating your butt, growing up i would always rather my mom beat me than my dad it did something to my soul (lol) when my dad would beat me.
This method makes it easier on the women in raising the child trust me, That's why i say beat your kids-teach them that respect that they are suppose to have. When i was coming up as a good son there were things kids didn't think about doing now they are shooting each other,disrespecting the parents,acting out in school (failing more).
Did you no that when a child acts out you can get a check for that child (ADHD)or (A.D.D). They will pay you because your child is hyper, this to me is a form of labeling and sending the wrong message to parents. They also have toMedicate some of these kids to calm them down, i think the child is just being a child. Maybe i just don't understand!
I feel if the government wants to dictate how you chastise your child they should take care of that child. This is not for the child abusing parents but for the parents with sense. I no laws are put in place as a safety net but enough is enough, let parents be parents.
To all parents stop trying to be your child's friend, you are the parent act like it. Men teach your son how to be a Man and teach your daughter how to be a lady.
Montel Williams Battle.You be the judge.
People are we stupid or just ignorant. How long are we going to let the FEDS tell us that cannabis is bad for us. Marijuana has hundreds of benefits people- don't be fooled.
OK OK i no what you are saying he must be high or he smokes weed, no i drink lets just clear that up. But with that said the majority of society don't smoke weed because of there jobs.
Let's just be real Alcohol is one of the leading causes of death in the world-no i don't have the statistics. But common sense tells me that, I have never in my life seen or heard of anybody dying because of cannabis (weed). They say it's a gate way drug blah, blah, blah. (Scare Tactic)
My problem is Tobacco kills people everyday, prescription drugs have side affects that may or will kill you, the problem with people is as long as its FDA approved people feel safe and take this (B.S). People think for yourself marijuana is not legal because......
It will cut the cost of health care in half-what do i mean by that. It starts like this the foods you eat are bad for you they make you sick and some people don't realize this-PEOPLE food rots in the body (MEAT) is bad for you. (OBESITY) and yes it runs in your family ever heard that before. That's true if your family been eating the same way for generations. "EDUCATE YOURSELF PEOPLE"
Lets say you get sick-now you have to pay your DR. to prescribe you medicine for your sickness (SIDE AFFECTS) people. Now you need something for the side affects and so on. Money, Money, Money do you see what I'm saying. Everything that is proven to kill or harm us is legal (WHY IS THAT)?
All the (Chemical Man Mad Products) are legal, if you think weed is bad check out what's in the drugs/ sedative people use everyday-cocaine,heroin,opium,tobacco.All of these drugs kill and people take them everyday. If you are that ignorant to continue to think marijuana-cannabis-weed is a harmful drug remember this (WEED!!! NEVER KILLED NO ONE).
OK OK i no what you are saying he must be high or he smokes weed, no i drink lets just clear that up. But with that said the majority of society don't smoke weed because of there jobs.
Let's just be real Alcohol is one of the leading causes of death in the world-no i don't have the statistics. But common sense tells me that, I have never in my life seen or heard of anybody dying because of cannabis (weed). They say it's a gate way drug blah, blah, blah. (Scare Tactic)
My problem is Tobacco kills people everyday, prescription drugs have side affects that may or will kill you, the problem with people is as long as its FDA approved people feel safe and take this (B.S). People think for yourself marijuana is not legal because......
It will cut the cost of health care in half-what do i mean by that. It starts like this the foods you eat are bad for you they make you sick and some people don't realize this-PEOPLE food rots in the body (MEAT) is bad for you. (OBESITY) and yes it runs in your family ever heard that before. That's true if your family been eating the same way for generations. "EDUCATE YOURSELF PEOPLE"
Lets say you get sick-now you have to pay your DR. to prescribe you medicine for your sickness (SIDE AFFECTS) people. Now you need something for the side affects and so on. Money, Money, Money do you see what I'm saying. Everything that is proven to kill or harm us is legal (WHY IS THAT)?
All the (Chemical Man Mad Products) are legal, if you think weed is bad check out what's in the drugs/ sedative people use everyday-cocaine,heroin,opium,tobacco.All of these drugs kill and people take them everyday. If you are that ignorant to continue to think marijuana-cannabis-weed is a harmful drug remember this (WEED!!! NEVER KILLED NO ONE).
TOP 10 Ways To Make A Woman Happy!!!!! Part 1
Men listen we have to find better ways to treat the woman that's in our life. So here's some tips for the men,
Tips for making your woman happy:
1. Compliment her: this is big- women love compliments especially on there clothes, hair, nails and how they smell. A woman's hair is everything this is the first thing that people notice and if she don't feel good about her hair she won't feel good about anything.
2.Cook: women like a man that will get in the kitchen and slave over a hot stove like they do, now you don't have to be a chef and it mite not taste good but the effort of doing it is what matters.
3.Spend Time: women always want to spend time with there man but a lot of men don't no how to.Trust me spend the time, try to do everything you wouldn't normally do with your woman and this should work.Because if you don't some one else will!!!!
4.Get Her Opinion: even if you no what you are going to do get her opinion, you may see how to go at the situation better. It shows that you value her and her opinion. Women love to be involved with there man.
5.Support Her: lets say she wants to try a different hair doe or wants a new job tell her to go for it. Yeah give your opinion some positives and negatives, but over all give her the support. This builds confidence and she will love you for that, she will feel like if no one else has her back a least her man do an that's all that counts.
Tips for making your woman happy:
1. Compliment her: this is big- women love compliments especially on there clothes, hair, nails and how they smell. A woman's hair is everything this is the first thing that people notice and if she don't feel good about her hair she won't feel good about anything.
2.Cook: women like a man that will get in the kitchen and slave over a hot stove like they do, now you don't have to be a chef and it mite not taste good but the effort of doing it is what matters.
3.Spend Time: women always want to spend time with there man but a lot of men don't no how to.Trust me spend the time, try to do everything you wouldn't normally do with your woman and this should work.Because if you don't some one else will!!!!
4.Get Her Opinion: even if you no what you are going to do get her opinion, you may see how to go at the situation better. It shows that you value her and her opinion. Women love to be involved with there man.
5.Support Her: lets say she wants to try a different hair doe or wants a new job tell her to go for it. Yeah give your opinion some positives and negatives, but over all give her the support. This builds confidence and she will love you for that, she will feel like if no one else has her back a least her man do an that's all that counts.
It's Time To Step It Up (Men)
Look it's time for a change, time for men to be men. Time to grow up that's the bottom line, what you may be doing may not be the right thing evaluate your life (check yourself). It's to many men acting like boys so find whats important in your life.Seek a new path, if you have been doing the same thing for so long you will get the same results.
A lot of times we as men beat ourselves down because we are in a stand still in our lives nothing new is happening. That's because we are taking the same action, we need a new outlook on life. Try finding a new career, try to get that loan you always wanted, try new foods, take a trip treat yourself to something different instead of clubbing this weekend.
If you are single try meeting new people or if you have a lady try jet skiing, mountain climbing, camping, go on a cruise, or do some type of project etc....
The meaning of this is get away from your everyday surroundings, if you went 500 miles last year go 1000 miles this year. You guys understand what I'm saying (something different) a change can be very healthy.Get out of your circle step outside the box. There's more in life than what you may be doing, no excuses just do it.
A lot of times we as men beat ourselves down because we are in a stand still in our lives nothing new is happening. That's because we are taking the same action, we need a new outlook on life. Try finding a new career, try to get that loan you always wanted, try new foods, take a trip treat yourself to something different instead of clubbing this weekend.
If you are single try meeting new people or if you have a lady try jet skiing, mountain climbing, camping, go on a cruise, or do some type of project etc....
The meaning of this is get away from your everyday surroundings, if you went 500 miles last year go 1000 miles this year. You guys understand what I'm saying (something different) a change can be very healthy.Get out of your circle step outside the box. There's more in life than what you may be doing, no excuses just do it.
One of the worst situation for a man or anybody is being unemployed. In today's society there many people struggling with trying to find work. A lot of people have lost there job in the last couple of years, but now it's time to move forward. I'm not trying to be insensitive to anyone situation because i have been where you are. Men here's some good tips that you can take that may work for you
First off the Internet is this best way to find employment such as,, etc....

Also get the newspaper, the Sunday paper because the employment section has a lot of jobs that may not be on the Internet.
I think the biggest mistake people make when job searching is they don't follow up. What ever you do follow up, I would say follow up 7 days after you put the app in. Then every 3 days after that unless a employer give you a straight answer, like you don't qualify or the job has been filled.
Don't be to aggressive don't except anything don't take no for an answer in certain situations. Keep your head up, and doors may close in your face but don't let that stop you, don't let nothing stop you.
First off the Internet is this best way to find employment such as,, etc....
I think the biggest mistake people make when job searching is they don't follow up. What ever you do follow up, I would say follow up 7 days after you put the app in. Then every 3 days after that unless a employer give you a straight answer, like you don't qualify or the job has been filled.
Don't be to aggressive don't except anything don't take no for an answer in certain situations. Keep your head up, and doors may close in your face but don't let that stop you, don't let nothing stop you.
This is for us REAL MEN doing what we suppose to be doing. Our part as fathers,daddy's, and sometime mothers. There's a lot of men doing both parts because the mothers walk out or just didn't care about the child to began with. There's more of this happening everyday so stop thinking that men can't do the job because a lot of us have been doing it for a long time.
Lady's it's time to start telling the men HAPPY MOTHERS DAY as while, a lot of us men tell our mothers happy fathers day because the father wasn't there and the mother did everything. So lady's stand up and give thanks to the men that are doing this it's a real blessing.
Thank god for the MEN that are (MOTHERS and FATHERS).
Lady's it's time to start telling the men HAPPY MOTHERS DAY as while, a lot of us men tell our mothers happy fathers day because the father wasn't there and the mother did everything. So lady's stand up and give thanks to the men that are doing this it's a real blessing.
Thank god for the MEN that are (MOTHERS and FATHERS).
Want to no how to beat CHILD SUPPORT, here is the #1 answer (TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS). Men take care of your kids. I can't say this enough it's not the child fault but some women make it hard for the men that want to be with there kids. Some woman still want to be with the man and because the man don't want the woman that's what makes this a problem.
But that's not what's important the child still needs support. Now guys i can tell you how to safe guard yourself from the child support enforcement back pay.
1. If you are with your baby momma at this time this mite not apply to you but if you break up you will not have back pay, from the time you'll separate if on good terms you mite be saved from child support. But on bad terms if she stops you from seeing your child get a BANK ACCOUNT with your child's name on it and put money in that account every week, so when or if she put you on child support this will be your back up plan.
2.Just because she stops you from seeing your child or if you are doing for your child some women may get mad at you at anytime and want to put you on child support. Men- receipts are considered gifts not a payment for support, but if you give your baby momma money put it in a money order and (write for child support) this is the only paper work that stands up in court.
3.The POST OFFICE money order is the best money order it last for 1 year and can be traced. Now laws my be different in other states but this is FLORIDA. So for the ones that take care of there kids keep up the good work but for the ones who don't BE A MAN take care of your kids.
But that's not what's important the child still needs support. Now guys i can tell you how to safe guard yourself from the child support enforcement back pay.
1. If you are with your baby momma at this time this mite not apply to you but if you break up you will not have back pay, from the time you'll separate if on good terms you mite be saved from child support. But on bad terms if she stops you from seeing your child get a BANK ACCOUNT with your child's name on it and put money in that account every week, so when or if she put you on child support this will be your back up plan.
2.Just because she stops you from seeing your child or if you are doing for your child some women may get mad at you at anytime and want to put you on child support. Men- receipts are considered gifts not a payment for support, but if you give your baby momma money put it in a money order and (write for child support) this is the only paper work that stands up in court.
3.The POST OFFICE money order is the best money order it last for 1 year and can be traced. Now laws my be different in other states but this is FLORIDA. So for the ones that take care of there kids keep up the good work but for the ones who don't BE A MAN take care of your kids.
Many of people are stress out over things they can't control, it's time to let unimportant things go. People life is short and time don't wait for nobody with that said look at where you are in your life, if that's not where you would like to be make changes. Sometimes that's easy to say but with just a little effort you can do it.
Stop stressing over your bills, if you can't pay something let it go (stress kills). If you crying over your car note that you can't pay (stop it) when you have no money you have no money move on. If your lights about to cut off get some candles and deal with that. I no that's easier said than done but don't stress yourself out about it, that don't get your lights turned back on. Step back take a moment and think there's probably something you can do.
Now lights, rent, food, those are big things but the little things are if you can't get that new outfit, that new car that vacation, Jordan's for you or your kids get over it. No stress is good but i understand people more for stressing over priority not luxury's. Find whats important in your life, your wants or your health make a decision. Things get better over time if you can't afford it don't buy it , if you bought when you could afford it and now you are hurting sale it. Release the stress in 2010 women and men.
Stop stressing over your bills, if you can't pay something let it go (stress kills). If you crying over your car note that you can't pay (stop it) when you have no money you have no money move on. If your lights about to cut off get some candles and deal with that. I no that's easier said than done but don't stress yourself out about it, that don't get your lights turned back on. Step back take a moment and think there's probably something you can do.
Now lights, rent, food, those are big things but the little things are if you can't get that new outfit, that new car that vacation, Jordan's for you or your kids get over it. No stress is good but i understand people more for stressing over priority not luxury's. Find whats important in your life, your wants or your health make a decision. Things get better over time if you can't afford it don't buy it , if you bought when you could afford it and now you are hurting sale it. Release the stress in 2010 women and men.
Look I'm a get to the point, do you wear CONDOMS? If you have to think about your probably not. You are putting yourself at risk for all type of diseases. That one night stand my feel good while you getting it but with no rubber it makes the ride home very long.
Now i no a lot of people just don't care but until they find out they have a STD. Some people get ST D's and go get it treated and do the same thing over and over. What most people tell themselves is i can't get AIDS/HIV i can't get burned but they regret it when they do.
So why wait until you get a STD before you take it serious, condoms cost $1 and $1 can save you a world of trouble. Lady's please please protect yourselves, it's your body love yourself enough to protect it.
Love- this will be quick. It's a word that people use without care don't let that word have you at the doctor crying. Lady's you have to learn about rubbers (CONDOMS) learn how to put them on, a lot of woman think that's nasty to put them on but wouldn't it be nastier for you to get a STD from that one time. So just cause a (man or woman is fine) that means nothing, beautiful people have ST-D's to. So pass the word start talking about it with friends and family lets save ourselves.
Now i no a lot of people just don't care but until they find out they have a STD. Some people get ST D's and go get it treated and do the same thing over and over. What most people tell themselves is i can't get AIDS/HIV i can't get burned but they regret it when they do.
So why wait until you get a STD before you take it serious, condoms cost $1 and $1 can save you a world of trouble. Lady's please please protect yourselves, it's your body love yourself enough to protect it.
Love- this will be quick. It's a word that people use without care don't let that word have you at the doctor crying. Lady's you have to learn about rubbers (CONDOMS) learn how to put them on, a lot of woman think that's nasty to put them on but wouldn't it be nastier for you to get a STD from that one time. So just cause a (man or woman is fine) that means nothing, beautiful people have ST-D's to. So pass the word start talking about it with friends and family lets save ourselves.
She Caught You Cheating
You been caught, she finally caught you now what do you do. I don't no what to tell you ( I'm just playing) i mite can help you. Check this out players this is what you do (beg, beg, beg) but you have to be careful with this. Depending on how she or he caught you this can be hard lets get started.
If she or he walked in on you with another person in the act of having sex you are pretty much F***ed. The way to work this is to (shut up yeah i said it shut up),there is nothing you can say to your love one when you are caught in the act. But if you shut up and just listen your love one will be screaming and shouting and nothing you can say will make that person feel better. The majority of the time that person will ask you why ( why why why) nothing you can say will help the situation, but this is what you should do put all the blame on you( put it all on yourself).
Let her or him no that you slipped you are stupid and you would understand if don't want nothing to do with you any more don't blame your love one at all, only if you don't care about that person then this don't matter. But this is why i say this- you can't say things like it's your fault you ain't been giving me no time, you don't cook, and here is the big one you don't even have sex with me that why I'm cheating on you. That don't work you will loose that person if you go at it like that.
Place all the blame on yourself you mite have a chance tell her or him that you don't expect them to take you back and you will pack all your things an leave. To the average woman that's unacceptable they still need to no why if you keep blaming yourself and tell them how good they are to you and that they don't deserve to be treated like this you mite have a chance. So shut up, blame yourself, and compliment your love one on all that they do and this just mite work.
If she or he walked in on you with another person in the act of having sex you are pretty much F***ed. The way to work this is to (shut up yeah i said it shut up),there is nothing you can say to your love one when you are caught in the act. But if you shut up and just listen your love one will be screaming and shouting and nothing you can say will make that person feel better. The majority of the time that person will ask you why ( why why why) nothing you can say will help the situation, but this is what you should do put all the blame on you( put it all on yourself).
Let her or him no that you slipped you are stupid and you would understand if don't want nothing to do with you any more don't blame your love one at all, only if you don't care about that person then this don't matter. But this is why i say this- you can't say things like it's your fault you ain't been giving me no time, you don't cook, and here is the big one you don't even have sex with me that why I'm cheating on you. That don't work you will loose that person if you go at it like that.
Place all the blame on yourself you mite have a chance tell her or him that you don't expect them to take you back and you will pack all your things an leave. To the average woman that's unacceptable they still need to no why if you keep blaming yourself and tell them how good they are to you and that they don't deserve to be treated like this you mite have a chance. So shut up, blame yourself, and compliment your love one on all that they do and this just mite work.
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