Men this is for you, we as men have to talk to our sons about
sex. Just think how you learned about it, was it from a porn movie back in the day or from your older brother that thought he knew it all because he claimed all the girls loved him.
We as men or some of us may think it's a touchy subject to talk about, think about the age you were when you had your first child did you have all the info you needed or may have wanted. Most of us was taught wear a
condom but you see where that got you.

Listen up information is key in any situation I'm not saying just teach abstinence but teach the fundamentals of having sex. Don't be nieve and think your child will wait until they have finished school and have a career or get married, its almost not realistic in some cases.
The percentage of teens having sex is growing, std's are sky rocketing this information starts at home or you can let the world teach them and wait for the outcome.
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