Look i don't mean child abuse but i mean put that fear in your child, if you don't you will lose control of that child. Look at this the crime rate among kids have sky rocketed, drugs, sex, school drop rate and so on.

But thanks to a good old fashion a** whupping i learned respect, i have morals, and i made something of myself.
Men this is for you, we all no there's a lot of fatherless kids in the world. I give all props to the women for doing our duties from the start. But there is nothing like your dad beating your butt, growing up i would always rather my mom beat me than my dad it did something to my soul (lol) when my dad would beat me.
This method makes it easier on the women in raising the child trust me, That's why i say beat your kids-teach them that respect that they are suppose to have. When i was coming up as a good son there were things kids didn't think about doing now they are shooting each other,disrespecting the parents,acting out in school (failing more).
Did you no that when a child acts out you can get a check for that child (ADHD)or (A.D.D). They will pay you because your child is hyper, this to me is a form of labeling and sending the wrong message to parents. They also have toMedicate some of these kids to calm them down, i think the child is just being a child. Maybe i just don't understand!
I feel if the government wants to dictate how you chastise your child they should take care of that child. This is not for the child abusing parents but for the parents with sense. I no laws are put in place as a safety net but enough is enough, let parents be parents.
To all parents stop trying to be your child's friend, you are the parent act like it. Men teach your son how to be a Man and teach your daughter how to be a lady.
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