Happy (Real Men/Women) Day!!!!!!!!!!

Well it's the day for the Real Men and the Real Women who are fathers also to take a bow, for the ones that have been doing the part of the father, the daddy, the protector, the #1 man/woman in your child's life. 

Take a bow once again, if you are not at this point yet trust me you can make it if you try hard enough.

Lady's and Daughter's stand up and Appreciate the Real Men in your life, for a child with a real father will understand what i mean when i say a Real Father.

Even if your biological father was never there you probably know a Real Father or a Real Man and let's not forget the StepFathers.

The step father is the Real Man that take care of the child that is not his, GOD Bless the step father. For some it's the only Father that some kids know.

A Real Father is someone that: cares, listen, talks, read, love, help with homework, clean up, not abusive, teach right from wrong and all around takes care of his family an or kids. Stand up Real Fathers.

So once again Real Fathers, Real Daddy's, Real Men, and Real Husband take another bow because this is your day. To my Mother-Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!!


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