How to treat a Women

I believe for years a lot of Men don't no or don't care about treating a Women good. A lot of us grew up in what is called a( broking home) but that's no excuse. Most guys are just like me, i was raised by my mom (she did a great job) that's my girl. She gave us the no how about life and how to treat people- how you want to be treated. Especially Women, now you are thinking so what whats the point my point is, it has a lot to do with the man and how that man choose to live his life. He can be raised right by both parents or by a single parent it's still up to that individual. The reality is there's alot of real men,good men and good father figures but there's more bad men,uninformed or down right just don't care about people men. I have a couple of starting points that will help a lot of men become that real man.
1st Learn to love yourself-if you don't love yourself you can't love nobody else.
2nd Treat people how you want be treated.
3rd Think before you speak-it's not what you say it's how you say it.
4th Learn to listen-that means shut up and just listen.
5th Cater to your family,women,and kids-you will be liked or love more by taking the extra time to cater to your loved ones.
I have one more-men start picking up the slack, for alot of women it's not so much about money its the little things that count like,
cooking,cleaning,washing clothes and folding,picking up behind yourself, watching the kids (there your kids to) your home should be the most important thing, not your friends and not your hobby.
I would like to hear what people think about that- please leave your comments.
note: If words are misspelled get over it it's not that serious.


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